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Woman with 3. 8. MAn. ACE of and. Mb. Ar. Azo. The health authorities in buenos aires confirmaronayer two new víctimasfatales for influenza, which rose to 2. The Ministry of Health of buenos aires confirmed that one of the two deaths accords with a pregnant woman, 2. Clinical Güemes party of Luján: losmédicos had to undergo a caesarean section and saved the baby. Two other fatal cases are under study to determinarsi people died consequent on the disease. It's about a young pregnant woman of 1. Hospital Larcade of the party in the buenos aires province of San Miguel, and a woman of nationality - yellow genip, who died in the province of Formosa. The death of Veronica Ruiz,the young woman in Lujan, that he was in week 3. General Rodriguez, fueconfirmada by Graciela Rosso,superintendent of that party, and elsecretario local Health, Hector. Ruffinelli. “Was subjected to a caesarean section and the baby was compro - gotten as a result of this problem, but it has a good evolution,” said Rosso in with - transfer press and said the municipality “strengthened the public health system”. The secretary of. Health of the commune said the queen of the local hospital there are two casossospechosos of influenza A in elsector of pediatrics and the other two inthe system private. All of them are being analyzed. Still lack serologic confirmation,but none has a bad evolution,” said Ruffinelli. For its part, the vicepresidentesegundo of the Health commission of the Chamber of Deputies,Juan Acuña Kunz, who ademáses doctor, said to be “a pocosorprendido by the great alarm caused by the flu”. The official said: “it Is a gripecomún that's not going to kill másgente. There are countries such as Méxicoque have had the highest rate demortalidad, but it is a gripecomo the others, has a medication to fix it, and estánestudiando a vaccine”. Sponges and flasal open air. The portfolio of Saludredactó a comunicadocon a listing deacciones to prevenirel contagion: mantenerdistancia and hygiene conalcohol. AS reco. Mend. Ations. S oc. AñALa flu infected tambiénlas elections legislativasdel next Sunday. The statements of the minister of Health, Graciela Ocaña, dandoinstrucciones for the prevencióndurante the vote, now sesumó the federal judge with electoral competition in the Capital. Federal, María Romilda Servinide Covered, who recognized quesu “major concern” for on the poll is the virus dela influenza. Download Tommy's Honor (2017) Movies there. I have montonesde called asking if esseguro be in school when you do not make or reunionesde parents,” he said in a reunióncon journalists. For that reason,set up a special operating dehigienización in schools. The same situation occurred in Santa Cruz, but not in the other cuatrodistritos most populous in the country: the electoral boards of the province of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe,Mendoza and Cordoba descartarontomar precautions específicaspara avoid the contagion. At the beginning of June, cuandolas news about the flu as they were in the tapas of the day - rios, Servini de Cubría sent unoficio the Ministry of Health of the city asking for the indicacionesnecesarias to ensure that doesn't have risk of transmisióndel N1. H1 during the procesoeleccionario. The answer fueque the virus does not survive more than. So decided the judge until this week, Ocaña warned: “we Recommend keeping a distance of one meter between each person”, and suggested that the co - to vote “are made outside of the establishments, the airelibre, as this decreases the risk of spreading - is”. The minister also pidióel use of alcohol and almohadillasen the hands of prosecutors and authorities table. That indicaciónno had been transmitted up to now to the electoral boards and,in the case of Capital, generated unconflicto by the logistics that involves arriving on time to purchase and distribute alcohol to cover the tables throughout the city,demand 6. Last night,the Ministry of the Interior had secured to take charge of that game. In the case of the province of. Buenos Aires, does not seem to haberpreocupación. This daily - sultó the court's election. After the meeting of the health authorities in the building of the Ministry of. Health, the portfolio that presides Graciela Ocaña, released a press release with several recomendacionespara prevent the flu destinadoa voters and encargadosde the ballots in the eleccionesdel next Sunday. In line with algunasde the measures taken by the. Ministry of Health bonaeren - (see note central), the area co - commissioned by Ocaña recommends to the voters that, if the weather lopermite, make the queues outside the building where you vote. If esono is possible, they suggest to save,among the voters, a greater distance to a metro in ambientescerrados. In addition, through the statement proposed to wash the manosantes and after issuing the ballot. On the way to close the envelope, the statement recommends: “don't do it with the tongue, sinocon a damp sponge, quepodrá be found in the mesasde vote”. The last suggestion to the voters - although they account for all the inhabitants– is don't put your hands into your mouth or eyes without having them lavadopreviamente. AUTHORITIES TABLE. The release of the health portfolio requests the authorities of board that will be responsible for organizing lascolas to vote outside of the corresponding building, and reiterated that,should this not be possible, then “the voters to keep a greater distance to a metro in ambientescerrados”. The text promotes in - charged of overseeing and preside tables provide votantesde a sticker for the envelopes,in the case of not having sponges.