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Official website of the University of A Corua. Links to centres, departments, services, plans of studies. Meu acervo de coleo, muitos digitalized ou converted from vhs, outros adquiridos de colecionadores, com boa qualidade de imagem e som, dublados ou legendados em. Synopsis: Lawrence Dell (Burt Lancaster) escapes from prison and along with two cmplices, infiltrates a complex of the ICBM in order to take control of their. Watch Free A Womans Life (2017). R$ 21449 tempo 21170 those 20707 days. Library-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A library can be defined, from a point of view strictly etymological, as the place where they stored books. However, at present this conception has been overcome to move to refer both to collections of bibliographic and audiovisualesSegún the standard UNE-5. Any organized collection of books and serial publications in print or other types of documents, graphics or audiovisuals available for loan or consultation. Agency, or part thereof, whose primary function is to build the libraries, maintain them, update them and to facilitate the use of documents that require the users to satisfy their information needs, research, educational, or leisure, counting for it with a specialized staff. According to the ALA (American Library Association) defines library as “a Collection of information organized so that you can access it a group of users. Has services personnel and programs related to the information needs of the readers”. The ISO standard 2. UNE - en-ISO-2. Organization or part of it whose primary function is to maintain a collection and to facilitate, by the services of the staff, the use of documents that are required to meet the needs of information, research, education, and entertainment of its readers. Manuel Carrión defined in its Manual of Library as “A collection of books properly organized for use”. It should be noted that Carrión takes the term book in a broad sense as a synonym of document, that is, as an information carrier intended to be read, and which contains a part of the social knowledge. This last precision excludes the archive documents, which have been generated by a natural or legal person in the exercise of their functions and do not belong to social knowledge. In all definitions, we can distinguish between three fundamental elements: a Collection. Organization. Use. These three elements accompanied by a fourth factor, the personnel responsible for their management and that is a key piece of the set. When we speak of collection, we refer to a reality heterogeneous and in constant evolution. For many centuries it was limited to the books in the principle manuscripts, then printed. Later incorporated in periodical publications and other printed material. Then cartographic material, printed music, graphic elements, audio-visual, microfiche, etc, In a next step is incorporated into the electronic files on physical media stored in the library, and today, thanks to the development of telecommunications and the Internet, libraries are beginning to have access to documents that never possess physically, because they are housed in remote servers, sometimes in other continents. This has given rise to the emergence of the concept of a digital library. According to professor García Gutiérrez, the organization refers to the application of a set of standard techniques (documentary analysis), based on scientific knowledge, a set of documents with the object of making it more controllable and usable in their subsequent recovery. The use is identified with the satisfaction of the needs of the users, that is, the obtaining of the document or the information demanded. The New Elvis And Nixon (2016) Movie. Of the three elements mentioned, the modern Library places special emphasis on the use, that is, in users, for be the raison d'être of the libraries, since the other two factors, the collection and its organization, exist in function of the satisfaction of their information needs. In this sense, we observe how, through the ages, the focus of attention has moved progressively from the collection and their conservation, their organization, and then to the use of the same. In 1. 93. 1 the great librarian indian Ranganathan presented his five laws, which summarizes perfectly the spirit of the modern Library science: books are for use. Every reader his book. To each book its reader. That save time to the reader. The library is a growing organism. Libraries are a reality consolidated over more than four thousand years of history, which runs parallel to that of the writing and the book. In its origins, had a nature more like that of what today is considered a file of a library. They were born in the temples of the cities of the mesopotamians, which they had in principle a conservative function, registration of acts linked to religious activity, political, economic and administrative, the service of a caste of scribes and priests. The documents were written in cuneiform writing on clay tablets, a cradle, rough and heavy, but that has guaranteed its preservation. They stressed especially the library - file of Mari, and Lagash, and Ebla, as well as that of the assyrian king Assurbanipal. In Ancient Egypt there were more than two classes of institutions: Houses of the Books that made the times of files to the administrative documentation, and the Homes of Life, they were centers of study for the scribes and who possessed collections of which they could make copies. The writing, in its various forms, hieroglyphic, hieratic or demotic, is included in papyrus rolls. In ancient Greece, the book and the libraries reached a great development.