The New United Passions (2015) Movie Average ratng: 4,4/5 2187reviews

Liv Rundgren Tyler (n. New York; July 1, 1977), more commonly known as Liv Tyler, is an actress of cinema and american model, famous mainly for his. Each new pulsacin is. In New York speaking at the United Nations General Assembly. The best mexican films of the 2. Special. Films of filmmakers like Arturo Ripstein, Amat Escalante, Michel Franco, Tatiana Huezo, and David Pablos are at the top of the national cinema, according to Chronic. One of the great virtues that has the mexican cinema is not to stagnate in one genre in particular. Today, generations of resistance and struggle for repositioning of the national cinema are united with a new wave of talents who have gained recognition in some of the leading film festivals in the world, with national productions. Divx Ipod 13 Minutes (2017). This 2. 01. 6, the range of proposals of quality expanded to include films from genres ranging from comedy and drama to horror and documentary films. Today, names established filmmakers and consolidated as Arturo Ripstein and Amat Escalante share time with young filmmakers on their movies shown its ambition to enrich the national picture. On Chronic do a count of the best mexican films that could be seen this year: 1. The similarities, of Isaac Ezban. The director is part of a group that in the last five years has renewed the face of the film genre in Mexico. After forming part of the film collective Mexico Barbarian (2. The incident (2. 01. Ezban premiered this year, the more round and surprise of their jobs. A disturbing, funny, and paranormal movie contextualised in the early hours of 2 October 1. Mexico city begin to be victims of a strange phenomenon. As irreverent as loud this imaginative film. The 4th. company, Amir Galvan Cervera and Mitzi Vanessa Arreola. With a great production quality and an exceptional handling of the rhythm in a movie based on actual events, this film came to creating hope around the genre of action. The film follows the story of Zambrano, a juvenile delinquent who only longs to join the legendary american football team known as The Dogs of Santa Martha, without knowing that the price for being part of the team also involves in organized crime, machined by the same authorities under the order of governor López Portillo. Jorge Michel Grau. The mexican filmmaker is one of the most trade film have at this time. También member of the select group of names that have renewed the horror film with his sensational film we are what We are(2. México Bárbaro. Now we are introduced to another type of horror with a sensational film that goes from the claustrophobia to the exciting, in which recreates the drama of a group of people who lived through the earthquake of 1. Not allowed to return to the scene of disaster as the flag of the film, but as that uses the disaster to show the fragility of the human being, to do a social analysis and above all, an exercise very respectful job on the pain and the frustrations. Beautiful night, María José Caves. The documentary, which is an x-ray that passes through the current life of Rossy Mendoza, Olga Breeskin, Lyn May Wanda Seux, and the Princess Yamal and their memories of that glorious time when the stars of the show, women, voluptuous, with dress lush, dominated the national cinema. This film turned out to elevate to those sex symbols; points out the unintentional humor, and nuances to show also the most painful part of these women. A film that also has a script that knows how to take very well to the viewer to move in that emotional limbo that generates the testimony of the success and the abyss. The immoral life of the ideal partner, Manolo Caro. The filmmaker has been one of the most active in the mexican cinema of the last few years. Four films were released between the 2. Manolo Caro does not hide his clear influences in the cinema of Pedro Almodóvar. Watch Flatliners (2017) Online Movie. But it is, perhaps, The immoral life of the ideal partner, your work more fine tuned as in terms of handling of the bow and dramatic with a story as simple as it ripens. It is a film very enjoyable which also has a music that gives a halo of nostalgia to the years 8. We have the flesh, Emiliano Rocha Minter. The film mexican more provocative and disturbing in a long time. The film is full of paraphilias sexual had the dubious honour of being the film that most audience left the room before the end within the SITGES Film Festival, the most important film genres such as terror and horror in the world. And it is this history that moves in the apocalyptic and grotesque, introduces us to two brothers lost in a city in ruins and found a strange man that they will make a proposal for the more strange and sinister to survive the outside world. One of the most important roles in the career of Noah Hernandez and a movie that will more than expect to be understood, hopes to create sensations unconventional. A monster of a thousand heads, by Rodrigo Plá. In this range of genres explored by the national film, Rodrigo Pla's return to the thriller-almost 1. The area (2. 00. 7), and does so with an extraordinary story about a woman, the wife of a man who is very ill, which seeks to apply to her husband for treatment recommended by a doctor, but the insurance company that is a partner refuses to pay for it. She takes extreme measures to save her husband. A memorable performance of Jana Raluy, and a good management of the history in this choral film. Tempest, by Tatiana Huezo. The reality will always surpass fiction, and in Mexico the genre of documentary has worked in an extraordinary way to tell those stories cruel that happen to people in the day-to-day. The filmmaker Tatiana Huezo presented this year's Storm, which documented the arrival of a woman to a prison dominated by a cartel of drug traffickers, while another loses her daughter: with the images of a trip through Mexico, the film connects two testimonials to paint the picture of a country caught in the clutches of organized crime. Impossible not to be touched by the end of it.